The final installment of the acclaimed web series “Aarya,” led by Sushmita Sen, arrives under the title “Aarya Antim Vaar.” Released on February 9, 2024, this final chapter is co-directed by the…
Tag: Vaar
OTT Premieres This Week: From Aarya Antim Vaar To Bubblegum; Here Are Films And Shows To Watch This Week
Lights, camera, action! This week promises a plethora of entertainment as top OTT platforms roll out a lineup of captivating titles. From crime thrillers to romantic dramas, there’s something for every cinephile….
Aarya Antim Vaar Trailer: Sushmita Sen’s Fearless Transformation As She Faces Ila Arun
Sushmita Sen is all set to captivate audiences again as Aarya in the upcoming web series, “Aarya Antim Vaar.” Directed by Ram Madhvani, the intense trailer hints at Aarya’s life hanging in…
Aarya Antim Vaar Unveiled: Sushmita Sen’s Epic Finale Finally Receives Release Date
The popular web serial Aarya, starring Sushmita Sen, is nearing its conclusion with the release of its last part, Aarya Antim Vaar. The creators will release the previous installment on February 9….